Keep inventory synced in real-time across Shopify stores

Sync inventory, product listings, and orders across multiple Shopify stores

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Seamlessly sync Shopify stores

  • Inventory Sync

    Keep inventory synced between Shopify stores in real-time and never worry about overselling.

  • Product Listing and Attribute Sync

    Sync product listing and attributes including prices, images, tags, descriptions, etc.

  • Order Forwarding

    Forward orders to the source store for fulfillment.

Inventory Sync

Keep inventory synced between Shopify stores in real-time and never worry about overselling.

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Product information sync

Leap Inventory provides complete control over the information you want to sync. For instance, you may want to sync product title, description, images, tags but not the price. It's as simple as toggling a setting to choose which fields you want to sync.

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Forward orders to source store

Orders placed in the destination stores can be forwarded back to the source for fulfillment.

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  • "I'm using this app to sync my inventory within 4 different stores and it's perfect, saves me a lot of time updating inventory manually. Aamir is also great with customer service, he's helped me install and configure everything. I definitely recommend the app if you have the same products across different stores and handle a master inventory"

Built on Unicorn Platform